Impacting business with a user centered focus

24 Hour RBC Prototyping Challenge

RBC 24 Hour Prototyping Challenge


Background: RBC challenged us to create a mobile prototype for Wealth Management within 24 hours. My team consisted of 3 developers and 2 UX Designers.

Objective: Create a Wealth Management tool to help clients prioritoze their financial needs. 

Deliverables: (1) High-Fidelity Prototypes (2) 2-minute pitch presentation

Role: UX/UI Designer

Pre-competition Research

One week before the event RBC stated that the challenge would be to create a Wealth Management App. Quickly, my team began conducting research exploring the pain points of banking customers. We concluded that while many customers liked the idea of saving money or paying of their debts, they did not understand how to start or maintain the process. 

In Competition Research

During the competition, representatives from RBC were present to observe the teams working. My team took this as a golden opportunity to conduct research with real life RBC employees. We created a list of questions and split up to interview RBC employees. As we regrouped we came to a great insight. Yes, we needed to solve for the needs of client, however we also needed to empower Wealth Management employees to increase their productivity and client handling abilities. Wealth Managers want to (1) understand user behaviour (2) more in-person meetings with clients (3) a consolidate work area (4) an ability to connect more instantaneously with users.

Rapid Low Fidelity Prototyping

With limited time, our team began a collaborative prototyping session. From this, we decided to create a financial advisory tool that would allow users too enter information and receive different methods to save and grow their wealth.

For Wealth Managers, we created a corresponding dashboard screen that allows them to view a client’s savings goal, the ability to message clients and functions to complete their daily tasks.

High Fidelity Prototypes

Our team created a series of prototypes that demonstrated the clients journey as well as a single prototype that displayed the Wealth Managers dashboard. I was specifically responsible for creating the client journey prototypes using a combination of Axure and Photoshop. These prototypes were used for our 2-minute pitch presentation.

Dashboard for Wealth Mangers


RBC staff were very impressed with our initiative and problem-solving approach. We were awarded an unofficial 4th place position out of 30 teams.